Installer v0.50a
Downloads: 4,630,282 | All Versions: 448,245,578
This application installs or updates eMule by a setup routine interactively, containing
all language files.
Binaries v0.50a
Downloads: 307,033 | All Versions: 44,218,801
This archive contains only the files you need to run eMule and needs to be unzipped, with 4 languages only
Sourcecode v0.50a
Downloads: 191,075 | All Versions: 21,410,970
This archive contains only the sourcefiles of this release and needs to be
unzipped. For developers.
ED2k-Links for this version can be found
Installer v0.70a
This application installs or updates eMule by a setup routine interactively, containing
all language files.
Binaries v0.70a
This archive contains only the files you need to run eMule and needs to be unzipped, with 4 languages only
Sourcecode v0.70a
This archive contains only the sourcefiles of this release and needs to be
unzipped. For developers.
All community releases, additional builds for